Toothache Remedies: Short Term & Long Term Relief

Toothache Remedies: Short Term & Long Term Relief

Anyone who’s ever had a toothache knows that “no fun” is an understatement. Toothache is characterized by severe pain or pressure in the tooth or jaw. It sometimes manifests in response to food that’s hot or cold, in which case the pain may survive the stimulus for up to 15 seconds. Pain may become progressively more severe over time as the condition worsens, perhaps spreading to the jaw, cheek, or ear.

Abscessed Tooth: What You Really Need To Know

Abscessed Tooth: What You Really Need To Know

What most people know about having a tooth abscess is that it can be extremely painful. This is because a bacterial infection has caused a pocket of pus to form at the end of the tooth root. An abscess is something that can affect anyone, regardless of age, and it should not be taken lightly. Why? Because it’s an infection that can spread to other areas of your body. In fact, there are much more serious medical conditions associated with having a dental abscess, such as inflammation of the arteries, which can lead to cardiovascular disease.

How To Deal With Mouth Pain From An Extracted Tooth

How To Deal With Mouth Pain From An Extracted Tooth

Here at the Dental Specialty Associates, we understand it is no fun having to get a tooth extracted. It can be a stressful dental procedure to plan and the pain that results can be a little frustrating. When you leave your dental appointment, the dentist will give you follow-up instructions for healing and pain relief. Even still, many patients get worried about the pain and discomfort they feel. Below are some common questions and information to help you deal with the mouth pain from an extracted tooth and get on the road to healing.

Facial Trauma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Facial Trauma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Facial trauma, referred to by doctors as maxillofacial trauma, is arguably one of the most terrifying classifications of injury. With our sense of smell, vision, taste, hearing, and cognitive function all residing above the neckline, facial trauma can often cause injuries so severe that one or more of our most basic senses is painfully battered, partially impaired, or knocked offline completely. There are countless ways that facial trauma can occur, with the most common causes being violence, sports injuries, car accidents, motorcycle accidents, work accidents, warfare, and many others.

The Types of Injuries and Their Symptoms

Maxillofacial trauma can cause a long list of oftentimes horrifying injuries. Some of these include buns, moderate to severe lacerations, bruises, facial bone breaks or fractures, nasal fractures, jaw fractures, eye injuries, loss of teeth, and more. The severity of such injuries will almost always depend on the cause of the damage. With car and motorcycle accidents the facial injuries can easily be severe enough to be fatal, with multiple skull fractures, vision loss, severe lacerations, and blunt force trauma all being quite common. With sports injuries, the trauma is usually less severe and typically only includes nasal fractures, bruising, minor lacerations, and moderate bone fractures.

The Top 5 Types of Face Trauma and How Each is Typically Treated

1. Facial Lacerations

Cuts on the face are one of the most common forms of facial injury. Due to the fact that there are many blood vessels on the face, these cuts can have a tendency to bleed quite profusely.

Treatment: If the laceration is small and not particularly deep, then it will probably be treated with a bandaid. If the cut is moderately deep then possible treatment would be a butterfly stitch, which is a bandaid meant to hold the cut closed. If the laceration is severe then it will almost certainly require stitches, staples, or medical glue to seal it closed.

2. Jaw Fractures or Breaks

Typically common in sports, automobile, and motorcycle accidents, jaw breaks, and fractures can be quite traumatic to anyone unfortunate enough to suffer such an injury. In addition to breaks and fractures, jaws can also be dislocated from the jaw joints, especially if the injury is extremely forceful such as in a motorcycle, football, or boxing accident.

Treatment: Jaw fractures are typically left to heal on their own, with some pain medications usually prescribed to the patient. Jaw breaks, on the other hand, typically require surgery to treat, procedures that often include wiring the break together and immobilizing the jaw completely to allow healing to occur. Jaw dislocations are treated by either manually putting the jaw back into place, or in cases where the joint is damaged, surgery is often required to put the bone back into its proper location.

3. Nasal Fractures

A common injury of sporting and automobile accidents, nasal fractures can be extremely painful injuries. They typically cause a profuse amount of blood loss and can affect a person’s ability to breathe or even see clearly. The fracture can be hidden beneath the nasal skin, or it can often include a compound fracture where the skin rips opens and exposes the cartilage underneath.

Treatment: The main treatment priority for a nasal fracture is to ensure that the bleeding stops. If a laceration occurs at the spot where the nasal fracture occurred then the person may need to have stitches to seal up the wound. If the fracture has caused any misalignment of the nasal bridge then a doctor may need to manually reset the position of it, a treatment option that can be extremely painful to endure.

4. Eye Injuries

Sport and work-related accidents are typically the main cause of eye injuries. Typically they only involve bruising around the tissue of the eye socket, however, they can severe enough that a person’s vision is damaged.

Treatment: Light to moderate eye injuries that only involve bruising of the soft tissue around the eye socket are typically treated with hot and cold packs. These hot and cold packs will reduce any swelling and minimize the inevitable bruising. Moderate to severe injuries to the eyes themselves will need to be immediately and thoroughly investigated by an optometrist in order to ensure that permanent loss of vision has not occurred.

5. Knocked Out Teeth

Another one of the most common forms of facial injury is knocked out teeth. Whether this is caused by a car accident or sports injury, losing one or several teeth in an accident can be quite traumatic.

Treatment: Stopping the bleeding and preventing infection is the first two treatment priorities when it comes to the loss of teeth. Once moderate healing has started, a dentist or dental surgeon will likely recommend installing tooth implants into the places where the original teeth were knocked out.

In need of an emergency dentist in or around Phoenix, AZ or Gilbert, AZ? Call Dental Specialty Associates for immediate assistance.

Fixing A Broken Or Cracked Tooth

Fixing A Broken Or Cracked Tooth

Most people can’t even imagine losing a tooth as an adult, but the reality is that dental injuries to permanent teeth happen all of the time. If something has happened and you have a cracked tooth or a broken tooth, rest assured that there are a variety of modern dental solutions that can restore your smile. A common scenario is a blow to the mouth while engaging in a sporting activity that results in a tooth that’s broken or cracked. Regardless of how the problem occurred, it’s important to get the problem taken care of right away.

The first thing that you’ll want to do is assess whether you have a head injury requiring immediate medical attention, which is the priority. Once you’re certain that there are no emergency health issues, you’ll want to see a dentist as soon as possible. Below are some of the options for fixing a tooth that’s broken or cracked.

Fixing A Broken Tooth

Choosing the right treatment for a tooth that’s broken is contingent upon how much of the tooth broke off. The most common causes are not considered an emergency because only a small portion of the tooth is gone and the tooth can be repaired with dental bonding. This is a relatively simple process that involves restoring the shape of your tooth with a material that’s tooth-colored. Dental bonding is a common procedure that takes very little time. Part of the reason why dental bonding is so popular is that the bonding material matches the color of your teeth and usually looks wonderful. Another option for when a relatively small piece of your tooth is broken is porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers cover the front surface of the tooth in its entirety

If a larger part of your tooth was broken and the tooth’s pulp is exposed, there’s a good chance that you will need a root canal and a crown. While the idea of a root canal can seem scary, it’s a routine procedure that only requires local anesthesia. If the break is large but does not expose the pulp of your tooth, then a veneer or crown is likely the best solution. The process is a little bit more involved because you’ll have to wear a temporary veneer or crown until the permanent restoration is prepared, which usually happens within the next day or two.

Fixing A Cracked Tooth

A cracked tooth, also referred to as a fractured tooth, can cause a lot of pain, but sometimes you just feel discomfort that comes and goes. Even though the pain will likely drive you to a dentist, the reason why it’s so important to get the problem taken care of right away is that a crack can lead to an infection, which will exacerbate the problem and create other issues.

The severity of the crack will determine what kind of treatment is best. For instance, a crack that exposes the pulp of your tooth will probably require a root canal and a crown, similar to a broken tooth. However, if the pulp of your tooth is not exposed, then there’s a chance that your tooth can be fixed with filling material that’s tooth-colored, a crown, or a veneer. In the event that the crack is beneath your gum line or your tooth has fractured into pieces, then there’s a good chance that it will have to be removed and replaced. When this happens, most people want to find a solution right away. Fortunately, you can usually receive a dental implant on the same day that your tooth is extracted.

If you have a tooth that’s broken or cracked, Dental Specialty Associates of Phoenix and Dental Specialty Associates of Gilbert can guide you through the process of finding the right solution that fits your needs. You’ll have your smile back before you know it.

TMJ Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

TMJ Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

You open your mouth to yawn and feel like someone hit you in the jaw. Did you tear something? Is it serious? As alarming as the sounds and painful symptoms are, TMJ is not life-threatening.

If you think you may be suffering from temporomandibular joint dysfunction, read on to learn about the causes, symptoms and possible treatment options.

What Is TMJ?

TMJ is short for a temporomandibular joint disorder, although it’s also known as TMD. Before getting into the condition, it’s important that you know what it affects. The joint that is affected is the temporomandibular joint. This particular joint is what helps connect the jaw to the temporal bones of the skull. It’s what enables people to move their jaw so they can yawn, chew and talk.

What Are The Causes?

Unfortunately, there is no definitive cause of TMD. However, some dentists speculate that symptoms appear when there is a problem with muscles in the jaw or the joint itself. Suffering from any injuries to the jaw or muscles in the neck, such as whiplash, can lead to TMD.

Here is a list of a few other causes:

– Stress
– Adding pressure to the joint through clenching your teeth
– Having arthritis within the joint
– Movement between the ball and socket of the joint

What Are The Symptoms?

As with any ailment, there are symptoms involved with temporomandibular joint dysfunction.

These symptoms include:

– Pain in the face, neck around the ear or joint area
– One side of the face is swelling
– The face can have a tired feeling
– There are popping or clicking sounds in the jaw when opened
– Toothaches
– Shoulder pain
– Dizziness
– Earaches

Some people may experience ringing in the ears and hearing problems if the condition is severe.

How Is It Diagnosed?

In order to figure out the problem, you’re going to have to see a dentist. Once there, the dentist is going to ask about your medical history and have you undergo a physical exam. The dentist begins by checking the joints of your jaw for any tenderness and pain. They’ll also listen for any sounds your mouth can make such as clicking or popping when it’s moved. After checking if your jaw locks when it opens and closes, the dentist may take a few x-rays in order to look at your jaw, joints and teeth for any other ailments.

Should the case be severe, you may have to be referred to an oral surgeon to get the problem fixed.

What Are The Treatment Options?

TMD is far from untreatable. There are some treatments that can be done at home and some that require the attention of a doctor. However, it’s highly recommended that you seek out medical help when you’re suffering from a TMD. Taking painkillers such as aspirin and drinking hot tea is only a temporary solution.

Most TMD’s are treated with a custom dental tool. They are similar to mouth guards and can significantly help prevent the symptoms of TMD. In addition, they are also non-invasive, making them one of the best ways to treat this problem.

Another common form of TMD treatment is physical therapy. Therapy may include doing various jaw, face, and mouth exercises. Some therapy treatments may also utilize hot and cold compresses in order to eliminate the stiffness and alleviate the pain within the temporomandibular joint. Your therapist will create a special type of plan, depending on the type of symptoms you’re exhibiting.

Don’t be alarmed if you have a TMD as it is a very common ailment. However, if left untreated, the condition can become very severe, which may require surgery. If you’re suffering from any of the symptoms that we’re listed, call Dental Care Associates to get a proper diagnosis.

Dental Specialty Associates Dentist Gilbert Phoenix Arizona
Our highly trained teams specialize in all areas of dental care treatments, from general dentistry to cosmetic and surgical procedures.
Greater Phoenix Chamber - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons


Dental Specialty Associates of Gilbert

2730 S Val Vista Dr
BLDG 11, # 164
Gilbert, AZ 85295
(480) 633-9977

Dental Specialty Associates of Phoenix

4216 N 44th St
Phoenix, AZ 85018
(602) 795-5995

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