What Is An Apicoectomy?

What Is An Apicoectomy?

Many people find themselves in a situation where they need a root canal surgery. However, many times this procedure isn’t practical for all patients, and can sometimes be unsuccessful. In those cases, this is where an apicoectomy comes in. (more…)

How Do I Know if I Need Corrective Jaw Surgery?

How Do I Know if I Need Corrective Jaw Surgery?

Here at Dental Specialty Associates, our patients’ comfort and well-being are our top priority. In addition, we want everyone to leave our office with a confident, healthy smile. For some people, getting that smile requires a more in-depth approach.

We’re talking about corrective jaw surgery, which for some people can make all the difference in having that confident smile. Here’s how to tell if you need corrective jaw surgery.

Oral surgeons perform jaw surgery to improve a misalignment of the jaw that negatively affects a person’s quality of life. The condition may stem from a wide variety of skeletal or dental irregularities and may make it hard for you to chew, breathe, or speak properly.

Common Conditions

According to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, common conditions that require corrective jaw surgery include:

  • Difficulty chewing, biting food, or swallowing
  • Chronic jaw or jaw joint (TMJ) pain and headache
  • Open bite (space between the upper and lower teeth when the mouth is closed), or an inability to make the lips meet without straining
  • Birth defects
  • Receding lower jaw and chin
  • Protruding jaw
  • … and more

Common Reasons

Seems like the most common reasons that someone may have corrective jaw surgery are a protruding jaw, a receding jaw, or an open bite. While correcting these conditions does tend to change a person’s physical appearance dramatically, it is important to note that this is not the same as aesthetic plastic surgery.

If you think you may need corrective jaw surgery, it’s best to start by consulting your regular dentist or orthodontist. Some conditions may be resolved through corrective procedures such as braces or a retainer, while other, more severe conditions may require surgery.

Need Corrective Jaw Surgery?

In conclusion, corrective jaw surgery can make all the difference for someone who struggles to eat, breathe, or speak because of jaw misalignment. Do you need corrective jaw surgery? Our team of highly qualified specialists at Dental Specialty Associates would love to help change your life for the better. Therefore, give us a call at 602-795-5995 to start your transformation.

How To Prepare Yourself For Oral Surgery

How To Prepare Yourself For Oral Surgery

When it comes to getting oral surgery, proper preparation can make a big difference. Take care of yourself and do the right things and you’ll recover in no time. But if you don’t put any thought into your preparations and just go into it blind, you could be in for a rough experience.

At Dental Specialty Associates, we let all our patients know just how important it is for them to take care of themselves before getting surgery done. Here’s how you can prepare for oral surgery.

Follow Instructions

The first and most important thing to keep in mind when you prepare for oral surgery. Follow your dentist’s instructions. Not all oral surgeries have the same preparation requirements, so it’s important that you do exactly what you’re told. Following their instructions to the letter will make the surgery and recovery process much smoother. It’ll also prevent complications from arising; Taking the wrong kind of medication before your surgery, for example, could cause problems that will need addressing later.

Get A Ride

On the day of the surgery, make arrangements to have someone drive you to the surgery and pick you up afterwards. Post-surgery you will most likely be groggy, numb, and disorienting. You will be in no shape to drive home safely. If worst comes to worst and you can’t find someone you know to give you a ride, call a taxi or Uber. It’s an additional cost, but it will keep you safe.

Communicate With Your Loved Ones

If you live with family, have roommates, or are in a relationship, it’s important that you let the people close to you know you’ll be undergoing oral surgery. Depending on the severity of the procedure, you could be out of commission for a few days. You want your loved ones to know so they can give you the space and time you need to heal. This is especially the case if you’re a parent- Have your partner shoulder the brunt of childcare post procedure, or ask a family member or trusted friend to pitch in. You need to focus on taking care of yourself.

The Night Before

You’ll need to fast the evening before. Ask your dentist how long your fast needs to last. Be sure to hydrate yourself and get plenty of rest. Recovery can be an exhausting process. Get yourself as well-rested as you can to make things easier for you.

Stock Your Fridge

There will be certain foods and drinks you’ll want to avoid for a few days afterwards. You’ll want to avoid anything that is too hot or cold. Hot foods can be especially dangerous to eat after surgery. You could still be numb from the anesthetic, which means food can burn you and not even notice it until it’s too late.

If you have any questions about how to prepare for oral surgery or would like to schedule a visit, give Dental Specialty Associates a call at 602-795-5995.

3 Common Myths About Oral Surgery

3 Common Myths About Oral Surgery

Oral surgery. Those are two words that most people don’t want to hear, especially when a medical professional is telling them that they need it. A lot of people dread getting oral surgery because they’ve been influenced by common and highly inaccurate myths about these necessary procedures.

At Dental Specialty Associates, we know all about the myths and misconceptions that people labor under when it comes to oral surgery. These myths can hurt people because they encourage them not to get vital work done that could spare them a lot of pain and discomfort as well as improve their overall health. Here are the three most common myths about oral surgery. (more…)

A History of Oral Surgery

A History of Oral Surgery

Dentistry has come a long way. Since the dawn of history, mankind has worked to develop methods for keeping that most hated of enemies, tooth decay, at bay. It’s a fascinating, rich history, full of famous figures showing up and contributing to it in surprising ways. (more…)

What To Expect From Oral Surgery

What To Expect From Oral Surgery

It can be intimidating. It can provoke anxiety. It can even be scary. For most people getting oral surgery is a daunting prospect. We don’t want to downplay that: That’s a normal reaction. It’s perfectly natural to have some anxiety at the thought of having surgery performed on your mouth. (more…)

Dental Specialty Associates Dentist Gilbert Phoenix Arizona
Our highly trained teams specialize in all areas of dental care treatments, from general dentistry to cosmetic and surgical procedures.
Greater Phoenix Chamber - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons


Dental Specialty Associates of Gilbert

2730 S Val Vista Dr
BLDG 11, # 164
Gilbert, AZ 85295

(480) 633-9977

Dental Specialty Associates of Phoenix

4216 N 44th St
Phoenix, AZ 85018

(602) 795-5995

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