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By Bethany Kotlar, MPH, Teratogen Information Specialist, MotherToBaby Georgia

Being a new mom is overwhelming. Trying to figure out this brand new role can seem like climbing Mount Everest! Many new moms have questions about breastfeeding, and of those questions, how to increase or maintain supply is one of the most common. Luckily for all those new moms out there, MotherToBaby has teamed up with a lactation consultant to answer all of your burning supply questions.

First, a quick introduction to the experts: Katherine Gama is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) who has worked with WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) for 10 years in Atlanta, Georgia. She loves to facilitate breastfeeding discussions. She thrives on supporting breastfeeding mothers in their journey to success. Katherine enjoys traveling with her two boys.

Bethany Kotlar is a Teratogen Information Specialist for MotherToBaby Georgia. She loves answering questions about exposures during pregnancy and breastfeeding and has a wonderful husband of five years and two fur babies.

I’ve been breastfeeding for a couple of weeks and I feel like my baby always wants to nurse. Is this normal?

Katherine: Yes, in the first weeks you are establishing your milk supply. Your body is figuring out how much your baby needs. It does this through supply and demand. The amount of milk the baby takes out or demands and the amount of times your baby nurses will determine your milk supply. Avoiding pacifiers and formula will help your body capture more accurately how much milk it needs to make. Putting your baby to breast every time your baby shows early feeding cues (rooting, sucking hands) will build your milk supply and meet your baby’s needs.

If you worry about baby getting enough you should always take into consideration how much your baby feeds in 24 hours; is baby latching easily; is baby swallowing frequently; does baby have an adequate number of voids and stools; is baby calm and satisfied during the feeding and after feeding. Any time you are concerned about your baby’s wellbeing, the best thing is to inform your pediatrician. In addition, you can contact a lactation consultant and ask her to assess your infant’s feeding.

My new baby nurses frequently, but I’m not sure how much milk she’s getting. My friend’s formula-fed baby seems to eat so much more! Am I starving my baby?

Katherine: Your newborn’s stomach is small and your baby only needs small amounts of breast milk at each feeding. Remember breast milk is digested naturally and faster so you will feed your baby frequently, at least 8 to 10 times in 24 hours. Your baby and its belly grow quickly while your supply is establishing.

In the first six days of life and beyond if your baby has approximately 6 wet diapers in 24 hours and 3 or more stools you are providing the nutrition that your baby needs.

I want to boost my supply and my friend recommended fenugreek, milk thistle, and red raspberry leaf. Are these safe to take while breastfeeding?
These herbs are often marketed to moms to increase milk supply. Unfortunately, research suggests they are unlikely to make much of a difference in supply. In addition, they also haven’t been proven safe to use regularly during nursing. If you’re thinking about taking any herb or supplement, speak with your doctor first.

Fenugreek has caused allergic reactions in people sensitive to chickpeas and peanuts, and can cause hypoglycemia in diabetic women and potentially babies. Milk thistle and red raspberry leaf supplements haven’t been studied well enough for us to say whether they are safe to use regularly. Complicating the picture even more, the Food and Drug Administration doesn’t regulate the supplement industry, so there have been reports of supplements being contaminated with dangerous substances like lead and arsenic.

I heard someone say that drinking beer can increase supply, but I don’t want my baby to be exposed to alcohol. Help!

Bethany: There’s no conclusive evidence that suggests beer increases milk supply, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a drink containing alcohol now and then with while breastfeeding. The rule of thumb is to avoid breastfeeding while alcohol is in your system. For the average woman it takes between 2 to 2.5 hours per drink for alcohol to work its way out of the body. If you feel uncomfortable while you are waiting, you can definitely “pump and dump,” but contrary to popular belief this doesn’t remove alcohol faster from your milk. Drinking heavily (more than one or two drinks in a sitting where a drink is 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of hard liquor) can decrease your milk supply, so consume in moderation!

If there aren’t any herbs or foods that are proven to increase my supply, what can I do to produce more milk?

Katherine: The first thing is to address whether your baby is getting enough food or if he needs to be supplemented; to answer this question, talk to your child’s pediatrician. If baby does in fact need more milk, then we need to find out why mom’s milk supply is low in order to correct the problem. Is mom supplementing with formula or previously expressed breastmilk on a regular basis? Are there any medical reasons causing low milk production (breast surgery, PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome, thyroid issues, diabetes, premature infant, poorly breastfeeding, etc.) If you suspect you might be having any problems related to these conditions, talk to your healthcare provider and a lactation consultant. The best way to improve milk production is to frequently breastfeed, hand-express breastmilk and pump with preferably a hospital grade pump.

Why is breast milk better?

Katherine: Your breast milk is uniquely designed for your baby. It contains the antibodies to build your baby’s immune system, the hormones to regulate normal body function and the nutrients for brain development. You are equipped with everything your baby needs!

What do I do if I am having supply issues?

Katherine: Work with a lactation consultant in your area. You can find a lactation consultant here or contact your state’s local WIC office.

Remember, before you take anything (herb, medication, etc.) while breastfeeding, talk to your doctor, your child’s pediatrician, and contact MotherToBaby for up to date information on whether the product could affect your baby’s health. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!

Helpful Tips to Remember:

• Place baby skin to skin immediately following birth for at least 1 hour
• Breastfeed your baby within an hour of birth
• Keeping the baby in your room helps you learn when your baby is ready to feed
• Learn your baby- watch for early feeding cues and initiate breast feeding on demand
• Give NO artificial pacifiers
• Give newborns NO food or drink other than breast milk unless medically indicated
• Use hand expression to maximize milk removal when nursing
• Surround yourself with support to help you reach you goals
• If you are having trouble breastfeeding, contact a lactation consultant

MotherToBaby is a service of OTIS, a suggested resource by many agencies including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). If you have questions about exposures during pregnancy and breastfeeding, please call MotherToBaby toll-FREE at 866-626-6847 or try out MotherToBaby’s new text information service by texting questions to (855) 999-3525. You can also visit MotherToBaby.org to browse a library of fact sheets about dozens of viruses, medications, vaccines, alcohol, diseases, or other exposures during pregnancy and breastfeeding or connect with all of our resources by downloading the new MotherToBaby free app, available on Android and iOS markets.

The post Boosting Milk for Baby: The Supply & Demands of Breastfeeding appeared first on MotherToBaby.
