A Special Edition Baby Blog in Partnership with SafetyNEST® By Chris Stallman, Certified Genetic Counselor at MotherToBaby Arizona and host of The MotherToBaby Podcast As a teratogen information specialist, one of the questions I frequently get asked is “can this product be harmful to me or my pregnancy?” What a perfect time to address this question during June’s National Safety Month, which aims to raise awareness about reducing the leading causes of unintentional injury in the home! What is …
The Baby Blog: Archives for June 2019
What’s the Dirt on Household Cleaners When Pregnant?
By Mark B. Roth, MotherToBaby New York As a teratogen information specialist, I receive questions about all sorts of chemicals or substances someone can be exposed to. We often get questions about the bazillions of cleaning products out there. Bleach, powdered cleaners and spray cleaners, degreasers, oven cleaners, disinfectants – there are so many different cleaning products and looking at the ingredients list (if there even is one) can be overwhelming. All those unpronounceable words! Sodium …