By Lori Wolfe, Certified Genetic Counselor and Teratogen Information Specialist, MotherToBaby North Texas “Sometimes I forget I am adopted,” exclaims my sweet son as he grabs his backpack to head off to school. I had just let him know that his birthday this year falls on November 19th, National Adoption Day. “So cool! We will need to do something special this year on my birthday, to celebrate both my birthday and my adoption! See ya, mom!” To Shaun, adoption is as easy as one, two, three, and …
The Baby Blog: alcohol
The Allure of Alcohol: Why do Women Continue to Drink during Pregnancy?
By Lori Wolfe, Certified Genetic Counselor and Teratogen Information Specialist, MotherToBaby North Texas Have you ever had a pregnant friend tell you, “it is OK to have just one glass of wine now and then, that’s what my doctor said,” or “my mother drank beer when she was pregnant with me, and I turned out fine.” As a Teratogen Counselor (a birth defects expert), I hear these statements more than you would imagine. You may think it is common knowledge that there is no safe level of alcohol …
Alcohol: Be ‘In The Know’ If Nursing Baby
By Chris Colón, Certified Genetic Counselor at MotherToBaby Arizona During pregnancy, many women make changes in their lives in order to have the best chance to have a healthy baby. I know I did during both of my pregnancies. These changes can involve their diet, exercise habits and other lifestyle factors. After birth, new moms may consider adding back some of the things they cut out over the last 9 months, including drinking alcohol. But is adding it back in that simple? During September’s …
Breaking Bad Habits During Spring Break: Why Alcohol And Pregnancy Continues To Be A Problem
By Sonia Alvarado, Senior Teratogen Information Specialist, MotherToBaby CA Spring break 2014, which, for some, actually fell at the end of winter this year, is in full swing. Many students are back to school working diligently toward their degree. For some students, Spring break means a trip back home, a trip abroad for cultural education and for others, it’s a time to let loose on a warm beach, usually with one (or many) alcoholic beverages. Take the case of a young woman who went on holiday …