By Lori Wolfe, Certified Genetic Counselor and Teratogen Information Specialist, MotherToBaby North Texas It’s pretty much a fact - ALL pregnant women worry…about what they eat, what they do, what they breathe. Basically, they worry about everything. That’s simply because every expectant mother wants to do the very best she can for her developing baby. As a genetic counselor who runs the North Texas affiliate of MotherToBaby, I get calls every day from pregnant woman who want to know what to do …
The Baby Blog: recreational drugs
The Smoking Saga & Why This Non-Fiction Addiction Should Be Shelved During Pregnancy
By Sharon Voyer Lavigne, MS, MotherToBaby CT Teratogen Information Specialist “I know I should quit, but it’s hard…I’ve cut down, though! I know it’s bad for me, but is it really that bad for my baby anyway?” I had heard these words time and time again as a teratogen information specialist and genetic counselor at MotherToBaby. Let’s call this particular caller “Jenny.” Well, whether Jenny had volunteered this information about her addiction to cigarette smoking or not, I would have asked her …
Breaking Bad Habits During Spring Break: Why Alcohol And Pregnancy Continues To Be A Problem
By Sonia Alvarado, Senior Teratogen Information Specialist, MotherToBaby CA Spring break 2014, which, for some, actually fell at the end of winter this year, is in full swing. Many students are back to school working diligently toward their degree. For some students, Spring break means a trip back home, a trip abroad for cultural education and for others, it’s a time to let loose on a warm beach, usually with one (or many) alcoholic beverages. Take the case of a young woman who went on holiday …