Question 1: I work in healthcare and received the first dose of COVID vaccine. But after receiving the shot, I found out I was pregnant. I changed jobs so that I am not at significant risk anymore. Should I get the second shot? Question 2: I’m pumping and supposed to get the COVID vaccine. I know there isn't much to say on the COVID vaccine but wondering if you would recommend getting it or not? These are just a sample of the questions that we have received from …
The Baby Blog: vaccines
Planning a Healthy Pregnancy
Tanya called in on a Monday morning. “I’m getting married in a few months and we want to start trying to get pregnant right away. What should I be doing now to have the best chance of a healthy baby?” Preconception health and pregnancy planning present a terrific opportunity to assess a wide range of factors that can give your baby the best start. This blog will outline the things to consider, as I relayed to Tanya: Your Personal Health Are you generally healthy? If you already get …
Special Birth Defects Prevention Month Blog! The Flu: Why Prevention is Key during Pregnancy
By MotherToBaby, a service of the Organization of Teratology Information Specialists (OTIS) Why should pregnant women care about influenza? Isn’t Zika a bigger deal? The second you get pregnant, the advice starts coming in from everyone. No eating unpasteurized cheese (Listeria!), don’t change the cat litter (Toxoplasmosis!), and definitely don’t travel to South America (Zika!). While these are all valid concerns, influenza tends to get forgotten, and dismissed as “just the flu.” The Influenza …