Dental Emergencies: What to Do When You Break a Tooth

Dental emergencies can occur anytime, and chipping a tooth can be a startling and painful experience. Knowing what to do in the immediate aftermath is crucial, whether it happens due to a sports injury, biting down on something hard, or a simple accident. This blog aims to guide you through the steps to take when you chip a tooth, offering both short-term first aid and long-term dental care through this dental emergency.

What should you do?

  • Stay Calm:
    First and foremost, try to stay calm. While a chipped tooth can be uncomfortable and even painful, panicking won’t help the situation. Take a deep breath and assess the damage.
  • Save the Chip:
    If you can locate the chipped fragment of the tooth, save it in a clean container with milk or your saliva. This may be helpful for the dentist to assess the extent of the damage and potentially reattach the piece.
  • Rinse Your Mouth:
    Gently rinse your mouth with warm water to clean the area around the chipped tooth. This can help remove any blood or debris and alleviate some discomfort.
  • Control Bleeding:
    If there is bleeding, apply a clean piece of gauze or a soft cloth to the affected area and apply gentle pressure. Hold it in place until the bleeding stops. Avoid using tissues or paper towels, as these can break apart and leave residue.
  • Manage Pain:
    Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, can help manage pain and reduce inflammation. Clove oil can is also know to help with inflammation, and can be applied to the area. To reduce swelling and numb the area, apply a cold compress or ice pack wrapped in a thin cloth to the cheek or lip near the chipped tooth. Limit the application to 15 minutes at a time.
  • Protect the Tooth:
    The broken tooth may become jagged or even loose. You can find dental wax in most over-the-counter temporary kits at your local drugstore. Use this to protect your tooth, and your mouth from further damage. It’s important to leave the area alone after this, and especially avoid any DIY repairs.
  • Schedule an Emergency Dental Visit:
    If you see yellow dentin or red exposed pulp, contact an emergency dental clinic immediately. Explain the situation and follow any advice they provide. Prompt professional intervention can prevent complications and increase the likelihood of successful treatment.


A chipped tooth can be a distressing experience, but taking the right steps in the immediate aftermath can make a significant difference in your recovery. Remember to stay calm, prioritize oral hygiene, manage pain appropriately, and seek professional dental care promptly. Your dentist is the best resource to guide you through the necessary steps.

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