Oral Health and Heart Disease

Oral Health and Heart Disease

Oral Health and Heart Disease

As the American Heart Association celebrates 100 years of American Heart Month, we want to bring attention to your heart, through your teeth! As research advances, we see a connection between oral health and heart disease. A study done in 2018 found a correlation between those who experienced cardiovascular events, and those experienced tooth loss due to poor oral health. Let’s take a deeper look into how exactly oral health can increase the chances of heart disease.

Oral health problem areas

When looking at the most problematic oral health issues, there are three that stand out with heart disease; gingivitis, periodontal disease, and tooth decay.

Gingivitis is a common form of gum disease after plaque buildup.

Periodontal disease
Periodontal disease is a more severe gum infection that affects the surrounding gums and bones.

Tooth Decay
Tooth decay, also known as a cavity, occurs when bacteria in your mouth produce acid that attacks and damages the enamel.

Oral Health and your heart

According to Cleavland Clinical, the three most popular disorders that can be associated with poor oral health are stroke, clogged arteries, and coronary artery disease.

A stroke is when when blood supply is blocked to the brain.

Clogged arteries
A clogged artery is the result of fat and other substances building up inside the arteries.

Coronary artery disease
Coronary artery disease is when the arteries are unable to properly supply enough blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the heart.

Your overall health

While it’s important to note the correlation between heart problems and poor oral care, we can’t say that one causes the other. The best thing you can do is take care of your body. As more research is done, we see that the body should be treated as a whole, not individually. The care that you put into one aspect of your body, can affect your overall health. Stay on top of regular visits with your general doctor, and your dentist.

Benefits of An Electric Toothbrush

Benefits of An Electric Toothbrush

In the ever-evolving world of oral hygiene, the electric toothbrush has emerged as a game-changer, revolutionizing how we care for our teeth and gums. This cutting-edge dental tool goes beyond the traditional manual toothbrush, offering many benefits contributing to a healthier, brighter smile. Let’s dive into the advantages of switching to an electric toothbrush.

Efficient Plaque Removal:

  • Electric toothbrushes excel at removing plaque with oscillating or sonic technology. The rapid movements and rotations of the brush head can reach areas that may be challenging for a manual toothbrush, ensuring a more thorough clean. This efficiency is especially beneficial in preventing cavities and gum disease. In a study done, plaque was reduced by 21 percent, and gingivitis was reduced by 11 percent!

Built-in Timers for Optimal Brushing:

  • One of the common pitfalls of manual brushing is the tendency to cut short the recommended two minutes. Electric toothbrushes often come with built-in timers, ensuring users brush their teeth for the appropriate duration. Consistently hitting the two-minute mark enhances the effectiveness of the brushing process, leading to better oral health outcomes.

Gentle on Gums with Pressure Sensors:

  • Overzealous brushing can harm your gums and enamel. Many electric toothbrushes are equipped with pressure sensors that alert users when they apply too much force. This feature prevents excessive pressure, safeguarding the delicate gum tissue and promoting a gentler, yet effective, brushing technique.

Customizable Brushing Experience:

  • Electric toothbrushes offer a range of brush head options, allowing users to customize their brushing experience. Whether you have sensitive teeth, require gum care, or aim for a brighter smile, there’s a brush head designed to meet your specific needs.

Rechargeable and Eco-Friendly:

  • Say goodbye to constantly replacing batteries. Most electric toothbrushes are rechargeable, reducing waste and making them a more eco-friendly option. The convenience of a long-lasting battery life ensures your toothbrush is always ready to deliver its optimal performance.

Ideal for All:

  • Electric toothbrushes cater to a diverse range of users, from children to adults. Kid-friendly designs, vibrant colors, and interactive features make brushing an enjoyable experience for youngsters. Meanwhile, those with mobility issues like arthritis or carpal tunnel can benefit from the assist.

Recommended by Dental Professionals:

  • Dentists often recommend electric toothbrushes due to their proven efficacy in maintaining good oral health. The superior plaque removal capabilities and advanced features contribute to a more comprehensive and effective dental care routine.

Travel-Friendly Options:

  • Traveling with an electric toothbrush is no longer a hassle. Many models come with travel cases, compact designs, and long-lasting battery life, making them the perfect companion for maintaining your oral health on the go.

As we embrace the era of dental innovation, the electric toothbrush stands out as a beacon of superior oral care. From efficient plaque removal to customizable brushing experiences, these modern marvels cater to the diverse needs of users, young and old. Making the switch to an electric toothbrush is not just an investment in oral health; it’s a commitment to a brighter, healthier smile that stands the test of time. So, join the smile revolution and let the benefits of an electric toothbrush illuminate your dental care routine.

Powered/electric toothbrushes compared to manual toothbrushes for maintaining oral health. (n.d.). Www.cochrane.org. https://www.cochrane.org/CD002281/ORAL_poweredelectric-toothbrushes-compared-to-manual-toothbrushes-for-maintaining-oral-health

Written by: Dezera Firouzi
Year in Review: Celebrating Dental Achievements in 2023

Year in Review: Celebrating Dental Achievements in 2023

2023 has been a successful year for the dental industry. We are celebrating and highlighting some of the biggest achievements for you. Read on to take a look at some of the most significant dental achievements:

3D Printing
When 3D printing first started growing a few years ago, it seemed unknown just how much it would effect the dental industry. 3D printing advances have made dental restoration even more precise to fit each unique patient. This also means the process of it taking days and weeks, is cut down to just hours.

Preventive Care
Preventative care is now accounting for up to 40% of procedures. The industry is focusing and pushing taking care of your teeth now, so you won’t need bigger procedures later.

Laser Dentistry
Laser dentistry is a non-invasive precise treatment that can help remove damaged tissue. It’s used to help an array of dental problems like gum disease, lesions, tooth decay, or lesions. This year alone, a significant amount of technological advances have been made in the laser industry, making them more accurate.

Dental Specialty Associates’ achievements:

We’ve celebrated 16 years in business! Dental Specialty Associates opened in 2007 as an answer to people who are tired of hoping from dentist to dentist. Since then we’ve grown from just our Gilbert location, to opening a Phoenix location.

Here are our big service numbers for the year:
-Over 300 dentures were provided.
-Over 750 crowns placed.
-Almost 100 dental implants were placed. 

It has been a great year for dental, and we at Dental Specialty Associates appreciate you being apart of it for the ride, and are excited to see where next year’s advances will take us. Thank you for your continued loyalty and support. Remember to follow us on social media for real time updates on what’s going on around the office.






7 Dental Stocking Stuffers

7 Dental Stocking Stuffers

Dental-themed stocking stuffers can be a fun and practical addition to someone’s holiday stocking, promoting good oral hygiene in a festive way. Here are some ideas for dental stocking stuffers:

  • Travel-Sized Oral Care Kits:
    • Miniature toothbrush and toothpaste sets or travel-sized oral care kits are convenient and great for those on the go.
  • Character or Themed Toothbrush:
    • Choose a toothbrush featuring a favorite character, color, or theme to make brushing more enjoyable.
  • Electric Toothbrush/Accessories:
    • Give the gift of self care with an upgrade to an electric toothbrush. If your loved one already has one, replacement brush heads or colorful attachments for electric toothbrushes can be practical and add a personal touch.
  • Sugar-Free Gum with Xylitol:
    • Chewing gum with xylitol is not only a tasty treat but can also help promote oral health by preventing cavities.
  • Dental Mirror:
    • A compact dental mirror with an LED light can be handy for checking hard-to-see areas in the mouth.
  • Dental Educational Books or Coloring Books:
    • Find educational books or coloring books that teach kids about the importance of oral hygiene in a fun and engaging way.
  • Teeth Whitening:
    • Give the gift of a brighter smile with whitening strips or a gift card to your favorite dental office for teeth whitening.

These stocking stuffer ideas combine practicality with a touch of holiday cheer, making them enjoyable gifts for people of all ages. Which will you be getting for friends and family this year?



Candy Moderation For Your Child

Candy Moderation For Your Child

Halloween is right around the corner, and so is the mountain of candy your child is about to get. It can be overwhelming for a parent on what to do with all that candy.  After working all night trick or treating, your young one will want to indulge, but as a parent you want to make sure they can enjoy their sweet reward in moderation.

Teaching a child moderation with candy is an important lesson in helping them develop healthy eating habits. Here are some tips on how to do that:

Be a Role Model:

Children often learn by observing their parents and caregivers. If you want your child to learn moderation with candy, demonstrate this behavior yourself. Show them that you can enjoy treats in moderation and that you don’t overindulge.

Set Clear Limits:

Establish clear rules about when and how much candy is allowed. For example, you can decide that they can have a small treat after dinner or on special occasions. Be consistent with these rules.

Offer Alternatives:

Encourage your child to choose healthier snacks or alternatives to candy. Offer a variety of fruits, nuts, and other wholesome treats. Teach them that there are tasty options that are better for their health.

Explain the Importance of Moderation:

Talk to your child about why moderation is important. Explain that too much candy can lead to health issues like cavities and excess sugar intake, which can be harmful. Use age-appropriate language and examples.

Teach Portion Control:

Teach your child about appropriate portion sizes. Show them what a reasonable portion of candy looks like, and help them understand that they don’t need a large amount to enjoy the taste.

Encourage Mindful Eating:

Teach your child to savor and enjoy their candy slowly, rather than quickly consuming it. Discuss the flavors and textures, and help them understand that eating slowly can be more satisfying.

Avoid Using Candy as a Reward:

Try to avoid using candy as a reward for good behavior, as it can reinforce the idea that candy is something to be earned. Instead, use non-food rewards, like extra playtime, stickers, or praise.

Be Supportive:

Understand that it may be challenging for a child to grasp the concept of moderation, especially at a young age. Be patient and supportive as they learn this important skill.

Involve Them in Decisions:

Allow your child to be part of the decision-making process when it comes to treats. For instance, let them choose a favorite candy from time to time, which can give them a sense of ownership and responsibility.

Monitor Candy Consumption:

Keep track of how much candy your child is consuming to ensure they are sticking to the agreed-upon limits. This will also help you gauge their progress in learning moderation.


Remember that teaching moderation is an ongoing process, and it may take time for children to fully grasp the concept. Be patient, consistent, and supportive as they learn to enjoy candy and other treats in a balanced way.

Foods For Your Teeth

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Taking care of your teeth involves care outside of just brushing and flossing. Your lifestyle reflects almost every aspect of your health, including oral health. Eating certain foods can promote strong and healthy teeth.


Check out the list of these tooth-friendly foods!

  • Dairy Products: Milk, cheese, and yogurt are excellent sources of calcium, which is crucial for strong teeth and bones. They also contain casein, a protein that helps protect tooth enamel.

  • Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables: Foods like apples, carrots, celery (or nature’s floss), and cucumbers require chewing, which promotes saliva production. Saliva helps neutralize acids and wash away food particles, reducing the risk of cavities. 

  • Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and other leafy greens are packed with vitamins and minerals, including calcium and folic acid, which contribute to healthy gums.

  • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, and sesame seeds are good sources of calcium and provide a natural abrasive texture that can help remove plaque from teeth.

  • Fish: Fatty fish like salmon are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit gum health.

  • Green and Black Tea: Tea contains compounds called polyphenols that can help suppress the growth of bacteria responsible for tooth decay and gum disease. However, avoid adding sugar to your tea, as it can promote tooth decay.

  • Water: Staying hydrated with water helps maintain saliva production, which is essential for washing away food particles and preventing dry mouth.


So, while an apple a day may not keep the dentist away, apples along with the foods listed above can help make your next dentist appointment much smoother!


Dental Specialty Associates Dentist Gilbert Phoenix Arizona
Our highly trained teams specialize in all areas of dental care treatments, from general dentistry to cosmetic and surgical procedures.
Greater Phoenix Chamber - Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons


Dental Specialty Associates of Gilbert

2730 S Val Vista Dr
BLDG 11, # 164
Gilbert, AZ 85295

(480) 633-9977

Dental Specialty Associates of Phoenix

4216 N 44th St
Phoenix, AZ 85018

(602) 795-5995

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